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balloons(Well, it’s free if you bought the book.)

Until demand exceeds my supply of time and motivation, here are a couple of offers for writers who have bought this book and can provide proof of purchase as described below.

Free phone conference
I’ll chat with you, or you and your critique group, about topics in the book or anything else that’s on your mind concerning writing. A half-hour for individuals, an hour for a group. You set up the call, and then we talk.

Free critique of your first 3 pages
If you bought this book, I’ll give you a critique of the first three pages of your novel. It won’t be an in-depth analysis and line editing like I would do for an edit, but youll get the view from professional fresh eyes.

How to provide proof of purchase and set up a call or send your work:

  • Proof of purchase:
    email to me (as an attachment) a photo of you holding this book.
    2. Tell me what you think of the book--maybe like a blurb.
    3. Include in your email where you live and permission to use the picture and your opinion on this website. I’ll identify photos with first names only, and will keep names private if you say so in your email.
  • For a phone conference, email me for a day and time. I’m on the Pacific coast. In the email subject line, be sure to include the words “phone call request.”
  • For a critique of pages, attach both the photo and a word processing file of the first three pages to your email to me. In the email subject line, be sure to include the words “critique request.”


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