Non-fiction: we will consider only completed manuscripts devoted to the craft, marketing, and publishing of novel-length fiction. If you were to submit only a proposal, the best we could say is that’s interesting and come back when you’ve written the book. Then we can contribute the editorial input to refine it into a strong book.
Fiction: is your book a platypus? A well told story that just doesn’t fit one of the standard genres? Then your novel is a platypus, and that’s what we want to publish.
To be frank, the odds of huge sales are remote--but the chance of building an audience is very real. We will take on only books that grab us and don’t let us go, so the bar is high.
Process: email, as word processor attachments, a cover letter telling us about yourself and your book, and the first 50 pages of your manuscript. We’ll reply via email.
Before submitting, be sure you read more about Platypus here.
Send your submission as attachments to submissions at