This is a new online workshop that gives writers extensive personal coaching on their opening 20 pages, which might include more than one chapter.
Four writers form a workshop group and work on their opening chapters with bi-weekly rewrites and communal critiques. Each rewrite focuses on elements covered in these sections of Flogging the Quill: storytelling, description, dialogue, and technique.
Each workshopper receives a free copy of Flogging the Quill. If you’ve already purchased the book, you receive credit for the cover purchase price ($19.99).
How it works:
I create a session blog space for workshoppers. They email to me their first chapters and I post them on individual pages. In the initial go-round, workshoppers study the section on storytelling in Flogging the Quill and then post critique comments of others’ chapters focused on the craft focus for the first session (storytelling). I then post my critique of each one. Then workshoppers study the feedback and rewrite their chapters.
For the second session, workshoppers email their revised chapters to me and I post them. I’ll critique the revisions according to the craft focus and post line edits if they are called for; workshoppers are invited to add their comments. Then the group focuses on the next section of the book for a rewrite (description).
And so on, for a total of 8 weeks covering 4 sections of the book. Note: this time frame can be modified to suit the pace the group wants, either slower or quicker.